Huge Potential New Token


HORGI is a blended variety canine that, albeit little, is ready for business and dexterity. The HORGI token is the freshest canine themed memecoin on the Binance Smart Chain. memecoin, yet the task gives true use cases that give long-standing answers for the crypto world. You ought to likewise realize HORGI Utility is an escrow installment administration that gives a stage where digital currency specialist organizations and their customers can execute with certainty and trust. HORGI is 100 percent local area driven and furthermore has NFT assortment with marking highlight. NFT advertisers procure easy revenue produced from a level of exchange expenses and administration expenses charged for escrow administrations.

Horgi Token additionally has a creative and feasible symbolic that guarantees the life span of the task. 5% of assessment goes to advertising, 2% goes to NFT wagering pool, 2% goes to liquidity pool and 1% goes to improvement. All HORGI exchanges (deals and buys) are dependent upon a 10% charge. The maximum trade per exchange is 1 billion tokens which is 1% of the complete inventory.


NFTS Staking

Further down the roadmap, the HORGI NFTs would be released with a staking feature. Our NFT holders will be able to stake them for rewards in BNB. The staking platform will be audited and SAFU (Secure Asset Fund for Users). This is politely one of the safest and eco-friendliest methods of gaining passive income in cryptocurrency. The HORGI NFTs staking will become another way of making gains just by holding the precious NFT while the value continues to increase over time. The staking rewards will be generated from a part of the transaction fees (2% to the staking pool) and the service fees charged on the escrow payment platform. If you're a lover of NFTs and interested in earning a passive income by holding and staking them, this is the place to be.

Escrow Services

Often, service providers in the crypto space complain of not getting paid after delivery while their clients complain of not getting delivery after paying. This is because bad actors are exploiting the fact that crypto is decentralized and there is not much accountability. HORGI is stepping in to bridge this gap by providing an escrow payment service through which service providers and their clients can transact in absolute confidence and trust. This platform would charge minimal fees and these fees would distributed as passive income to the NFT stakers.

Vibrant Community

The importance of a vibrant and active community in any successful cryptocurrency project cannot be overemphasized. The price of any token is directly proportional to the level of involvement and activity of the community behind it. HORGI token has a tightknit community that is constantly engaging to ensure the success of the project. As the community grows and expands, the more valuable the HORGI brand becomes. In this project, a lot of effort is made on community engagement. This is the only way to ensure acceptability and massive price gains of the token.



  • Project Conceptualization
  • Website Launch
  • Whitepaper Release
  • 1,000 Telegram members
  • Presale on Pinksale
  • Marketing Push
  • NFT & staking feature release
  • 1,000 token holders
  • 1m dollar market cap


  • More marketing push
  • Community Expansion
  • 2,000 token holders
  • 3,000 Telegram members
  • CG Listing
  • CMC Listing
  • Bridging to other networks like ETH & FTM


  • Further Marketing Push
  • 5,000 token holders
  • 10,000 Telegram members
  • Release of escrow payment platform
  • Partnerships
  • News and Articles
  • More to be announced

Contact Details


Bitcointalk username: Jacob Murphy

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3205408

Telegram Username: @Jacobmurphy074

BEP-20(BSC) Wallet Address: 0xBB2C11C84e7B340c139d3948CBC9DC7EbA62b018


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