

Mainnet Game

About Dragonrace

The metaverse-based play-to-earn PVP game Dragonrace.io features legendary dragon racing. In the game, you can raise dragonlings from eggs and train them to become adults that can take part in thrilling races. The game revolves around the customization and racing of Dragons.

The entire gameplay of the game is player vs player. Instead of focusing on solitary play against an AI, the game was created to maximize player interactions. Competition between two or eight players is possible in the game, where players can come together with family and friends for group entertainment.

The Mainnet game version is completely decentralized, the player mode and all rewards are automatically directed to the user MetaMask wallet.

Breakdown of Dragon race highlights

P2E-Play to Acquire

The exemplary hustling game is continued in Dragon race. Yet, our personality is unmistakable! Our group permits YOUR sublime mythical beasts to contend. These are the winged serpents you keep, play with, and train yourself. Specifically, the mythical serpents will be extremely determined while getting superior execution rates, which will fairly impact the success rates. Along these lines, the players can partake in the gameplay with sufficient chances of procuring.


NFT games are the promotion recently, with costs and the number of clients soaring. Hydraverse trusts in stepping up the force of the game by coordinating Blockchain, allowing players to have evident responsibility for non-fungible in-game resources.

AR/VR Ongoing interaction

(Under progress)

Computer-generated reality (VR) or expanded reality (AR) can both be utilized to show every mythical serpent (Augmented reality). To see the mythical beast truly, players can tap on it and use the camera for a reasonable point of view. As another option, you can get a completely vivid point of view of the game activity by utilizing VR gaming gear and embellishments. Because of this unique element, clients may now exploit more top-notch visual encounters than at any other time in recent memory.


Our middle gathering means to stir players with records of winged snake mentors overcoming hardships and spread blockchain data alongside play-to-obtain open doors to our overall neighborhood. Vision DragonRace influences social classes’ lives while opening play-to-get gaming practices and monetary entryways for our upheld nearby local area. Moreover, we are sure we can foster an exhaustive metaverse climate and achieve NFT play-to-procure industry authority shortly.

In-game Character

The principal character in the DragonRace is the awesome Winged serpents!!! These mythical beasts come in all sizes and types. Various winged serpents have various properties that assist with contrasting them from the rest OR to give incomparability over others.

The Game Manual

The Mythical serpent race is an entirely Player-versus-player game, where you can play with 2 and more players in a Dtrack race course.

The game starts with picking mythical serpents, changing an option for them/speed elements, mythical serpent adjustments, and race cooperations. When a player joins the game track, the joining charge is naturally deducted from the players and reallocated among the victors toward the finish of the race. In the race, We have 3 distinct laps in each race, and the cumulative champ of the three laps is the last victor.

The support of life

The Mythical serpent Cave is where every one of the enchanted starts.

In the Nook clients can explore mating mythical serpents. This mating can bring about updating of the mythical serpent level and formation of an extra winged serpent NFT with consolidated powers of their folks. Or then again clients can purchase new winged serpent eggs.

When a winged serpent egg incubates, the mythical beast that emerges from it is haphazardly produced. The arbitrary age of new-winged serpent NFTs follows the rule of Hereditary Calculation

Hereditary Calculation

Hereditary calculations (GA) depend on similar standards as organic hereditary qualities, which store data about the remainder of your body in qualities (your DNA). For example, the shade of your eyes, skin, and hair, as well as your body type and level. Joining NFT produces a new, particular token from the other two while holding a portion of the information (includes) that the previous tokens had kept in the shrewd agreement. A new and particular posterity genome is made by consolidating the other portion of the mother’s and the other portion of the dad’s genomes. Indeed, even two kin will have various genomes since the exact way the qualities split during the hybrid can fluctuate occasionally. equivalent to, in actuality.

Types of randomly generated eggs

When an egg incubates, the newborn child mythical serpent can be categorized as one of the three kinds of classifications, given their event rate

Exemplary sort: The exemplary kind of mythical serpents are typically 1 and 2 stars

Intriguing sort: Uncommon mythical serpents are from 2 to 4 stars

Very intriguing: Very uncommon mythical serpents are for the most part from 3 to 5-star winged serpents

Dynamic: The possibilities of getting an actuated winged serpent are half for all stars

Website: https://dragonrace.io/#/

Whitepaper: https://dragonraceio.gitbook.io/dragonrace/

Telegram: https://t.me/Dragonraceio

Twitter : https://twitter.com/DragonRaceio


Forum Username: Jacob Murphy

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3205408

Telegram Username: @Jacobmurphy074

BEP-20(BSC) Wallet Address: 0xBB2C11C84e7B340c139d3948CBC9DC7EbA62b018


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